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Solving Impersonation/Denigration


1. If you see other people spreading rumors about you that may ruin your reputation, you need to stop it fast. Lets say that it's talking trash about your best friend but the bully says it's what you told him/her, you can say to the bully "Can you prove that I said that in any way, and also I would never say such things." Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, because you will be using social media a lot and if this doesn't stop it may affect your reputation on social media. 


2. If you see someone being targeted, help them out. You can simply go and have a talk to the person who is receiving the rumors and taking them personally, discuss about the rumors the bully has sent and convince others that it's not true and tell them what's happening. 


3. If the bully is targeting your family relationship, try talking to your family. Since it's about your family, it wouldn't be as hard because your family would most likely trust you. At some point the bully would get bored and eventually stop. 



1.When you are aware that someone is spreading rumors about you while being "you", you would need to put a stop to it. First try convincing other people that you are the real one. You can talk to the bully can try to convince them to stop, if they don't and take it personal, then report them other people will deal with it in a more efficient way.


2. When someone made a fake account of yours and starts making yourself look bad and ruining reputation. you know that this will be tricky. You can first comment on that message saying that you are the real you, and it would be confusing for others and would start doubting the fake one. Then you can report the fake you and then eventually it would stop and banned for such actions.


3. If you happen to find out that the fake you has successfully made friends with inappropriate people that are not good, you need to find a way to get out of this relationship in a safe and peaceful way. First you should keep the relationship steady (for now), for example: say good things to them and such. Then you can come up with a suitable reason to not be their "friend" anymore, then that way you can get them off your back. Eventually you can ask a parent for help and advice, so you're not alone on this one.



1. When you see someone being impersonated, try helping them. You can first convince everybody that that person is not the real them, but remember as long as you can prove them that the bully is fake, it might work. If not,then you can simply report then and eventually they will get banned or worse.


2. When you notice people gossiping about you, you need to stop them. Firstly you should think about why they are gossiping about you, if their is something you can change about yourself, than maybe after improving yourself the bullies would have less things to gossip you about. If it has nothing to do with you, you have yo get a way to stop them. Try convincing them to stop, chances are that they won't stop that easily, so our advice is to ignore it. If it get worse, tell a parent or teacher for help.


1. Most of the time the bullies only want to gain social acceptance or being peer-pressured, or want to achieve a higher self-esteem. We can see that some of the bullies don't mean any harm, so we should help then when they struggle. You can firstly cheer them up, befriend the bully, they only want to be socially accepted. Then you can hang out with them more, so eventually they won't feel alone and would be happier.


2. If they are peer-pressured, you can convince them that the peer's shouldn't change who you are, because being peer pressured is just like being bullied. Peers are suppose to help you, not harm you. We should feel for them and find a way to help the bully, we aren't the only ones being bullied.


3. If they want a achieve a higher self-esteem, then you should help them out. Try praising them, and saying positive things about them and try ways to help them achieve a higher self-esteem. Don't let victims become the next generation of bullies. 

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